A Day on the Force: Women's Professional Tackle Football, features Chicago's first
pro-tackle women's football team. This upbeat, humorous film chronicles the
challenges and triumphs of the Chicago Force, the newest member of the
Independent Women's Football League.
Although Title IX has done much
to even the playing field, women and girls still face an uphill battle for
equality in the world of sports. This is true for every sport, but perhaps
because pro-tackle women's football challenges normative gender roles more
than any other sport, the Chicago Force has thus far lacked the media
coverage, endorsement options, respect, and economic support granted to the
city's male professional teams.This, despite the fact that the Force is
currently the city's only undefeated professional sports team.
Women's Professional Tackle Football is a timely and controversial issue.
With the recent spotlight on the University of Colorado's football team's
female kicker, Katie Hnida, and the disparaging "Lingerie Bowl",
the fact that women can and do play football has finally made headlines.
A Day on the Force: Women's Professional Tackle Football is a
moving documentary that goes beyond these headlines. The film is an intimate
portrait of women carving out their dreams as professional athletes.
Characters include: Wendy Sperling, the "soccer mom" whose husband
and children cheer from the stands. Maria Kreevich who was kicked off her
high school football team for being a girl. Tamika Perry who explains her
love for the game and devastation when a concussion might keep her on the
sidelines. Linda Bache, a fullback with supermodel looks and amazing athletic
ability who, at age 41, is one of the teams' elders. A Day on the
Force: Women's Professional Tackle Football is a collaboration between
filmmakers Ronit Bezalel, Laurie Little, and Sree Nallamothu. A
Thirst Films, Luminist Films, and Ronit Bezalel Films co-production.